
Microsoft Component Installer Software Development Kit For Windows - Spring 2005

The ZBuffer より. I often see questions on the newsgroups and forums about the best way to ensure that people have the correct runtimes including DirectX and the managed components. Well Microsoft has a new SDK called the "Microsoft Compo…

GDNJ セミナー 2005/05/28

http://www.gdncom.jp/general/bbs/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=29599 行ってきました.Moo さん(id:aspx:20050528:p1)に初めてお会いしたり. あとぺがらぼさん由来のきびだんごをお持ち帰り.コーディングしながらぱくぱくいただいていております. また,セミナ…