ID3DXMesh Internal

BBXの方ではなるべくネタばれなしで書いてみたけど,一応こっちで解説.DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003)での実装について書いているのでその辺はご注意を.
ID3DXMeshについて包括的に書かれた文章としてDirectXのヘルプに"Mesh Support in D3DX"という章があります.


D3DX implements the mesh construct to load, manipulate, and render .x file contents. A mesh is basically a collection of vertices defining some geometry, and a set of indices defining the faces. There are several mesh types.

ID3DXBaseMesh provides the fundamentals. ID3DXMesh and ID3DXPMesh inherit from ID3DXBaseMesh, and add, respectively, mesh optimization using per-chip vertex cache and progressive meshes modeled after Hugues Hoppe's progressive mesh work. ID3DXSPMesh provides simplification meshes and ID3DXSkinInfo provides skinned mesh support.

ID3DXBaseMesh provides methods to manipulate and query ID3DXMesh and D3DXPMesh progressive-mesh objects, which inherit from the base mesh. This includes adjacency operations, geometry buffer retrieval, lock/unlock operations (vertex and index), and copying, rendering, face, and vertex information.


Mesh Object Data

A mesh contains a vertex buffer, an index buffer, and an attribute buffer.

  • The vertex buffer contains the vertex data, which are the mesh vertices.
  • The index buffer contains vertex indices for accessing the vertex buffer. This can reduce the vertex buffer size by reducing duplicate vertices. Only an indexed mesh uses the index buffer. If a mesh is made up of a triangle list, for example, it does not use the index buffer.
  • The attribute buffer contains attribute data. Attributes are properties of the mesh vertices, in no particular order. A D3DX mesh stores attributes in a group of DWORDS, for each face.


  • Vertex buffer
  • Index buffer
  • Attribute table


Attibute Tables

An attribute table is a concise representation of the contents of an attribute buffer. Attribute tables can be created by calling one of the Optimize methods with D3DXMESHOPT_ATTRSORT, by locking the attribute buffer and filling it with data, or by calling SetAttributeTable. A mesh contains an attribute table when the mesh is reordered into groups. This happens when Optimize is called, assuming an attribute sorting option (D3DXMESHOPT_ATTRSORT or higher) is supplied. D3DX Meshes use indexed triangle lists, and are therefore drawn with IDirect3DDevice9::DrawIndexedPrimitive.

Attribute tables are created as a result of calling Optimize. The faces don't have to be adjacent, because Optimize will reorder them to be adjacent. For example, the hands of a human mesh could use the same attribute. The attribute identifier (ID) helps sort the faces into groups. Meshes from .x files have automatically generated attributes for material and texture properties. You do need to call Optimize(ATTRSORT) or the more effective Optimize(VERTEXCACHE) to get good performance. The load functions try to present the data in the exact form it was saved out in. If you are using a vertex buffer/index buffer based mesh, the mesh application programming interface (API) provides optimization functions and skinning transformations with little overhead.

The optimization types are cumulative, starting from the least optimal (D3DXMESHOPT_COMPACT) to the most optimal (D3DXMESHOPT_IGNOREVERTS). D3DXMESHOPT_STRIPREORDER does a compaction and attribute sort. D3DXMESHOPT_VERTEXCACHE is always recommended, even on devices without a true vertex cache.

属性テーブルは D3DXMESHOPT_ATTRSORT オプションを指定して ID3DXMesh::Optimize を呼び出すか,ID3DXMesh::SetAttributeTable で直接設定することで存在するようになります.
Attribute IDというのは描画するポリゴンデータの集まりを区別するための0から始まる整数のことです.DirectXではステート変更回数を少なくしたいという要請からしばしば巨大なインデックスバッファと頂点バッファに小さなデータをパックします.このように論理的なデータサブセットを識別子で管理するマネージャクラスを構築された経験のある方も多いかもしれません.属性テーブルはこのAttribute IDについて事前計算した情報まとめたもので,具体的には以下に示すD3DXATTRIBUTERANGE構造体の配列という形をとります.

typedef struct _D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE {
    DWORD AttribId;
    DWORD FaceStart;
    DWORD FaceCount;
    DWORD VertexStart;
    DWORD VertexCount;



  • MinIndex = 0
  • NumVertices = ID3DXMesh::GetNumVertices()


  • MinIndex = attribute.VertexStart
  • NumVertices = attribute.VertexCount


  • StartIndex = attribute.FaceStart*3
  • PrimitiveCount = attribute.FaceCount


