The LINQ Project (2)

Standard Query Operators 一覧.

OfType Filter based on type affiliation
Select/SelectMany Project based on transform function
Where Filter based on predicate function
Count Count based on optional predicate function
All/Any Universal/Existential quantification based on predicate function
First/FirstOrDefault Access initial member based on optional predicate function
ElementAt Access member at specified position
Take/Skip Access members before/after specified position
TakeWhile/SkipUntil Access members before/after predicate function is satisfied
GroupBy Partition based on key extraction function
ToDictionary Create key/value dictionary based on key extraction function
OrderBy/ThenBy Sort in ascending order based on key extraction function and optional comparison function


Sort in descending order based on key extraction function and optional comparison function
Reverse Reverse the order of a sequence
Fold Aggregate value over multiple values based on aggregation function
Min/Max/Sum/Average Numeric aggregation functions
Distinct Filter duplicate members
Except Filter elements that are members of specified set
Intersect Filter elements that are not members of specified set
Union Combine distinct members from two sets
Concat Concatenate the values of two sequences
ToArray/ToList Buffer results of query in array or List<T>
Range Create a sequence of numbers in a range
Repeat Create a sequence of multiple copies of a given value