Windows Vista July CTP (build 5472.5) あれこれ

Tom Archer's Blog より*1

Vista July CTP は MSDN Subscriber Downloads に登場予定

Note: As noted below, the July CTP for Windows Vista will be published to MSDN subscribers. However, as of this writing it is still going through the publishing cycle. I'll update this page when it is available for download from MSDN - likely to be sometime later this week.

だそうです.beta 2 (5384.4) から改善されているところが結構ありますので,今から試すなら July CTP がおすすめかも知れません.

各 CTP と開発ツール対応関係

ついでに,Vista の各 build と SDK / 開発ツール周りの対応関係も示されています.
July CTP 向けには "Orcas" Tools for .NET 3.0 はリリースされないようなので,LINQ 系で遊びたい人は別のバージョンを使った方が良さそうです.
しかし,.NET 3.0 Runtime Components のビルドナンバーの上がり方すごいですな.1日平均何回フルビルドしてるんだろ?

Operating System .NET 3.0 Runtime Components Windows SDK "Orcas" Tools for .NET 3.0 WF Extensions to Visual Studio
Vista - July CTP (5472.5) July CTP (4306 - installed by O/S) July CTP (5472.2.1) None (See July CTP Notes) Release Candidate 4
Vista - June CTP (5456) June CTP (4131.06 installed by O/S) June CTP (5456.3) June CTP Release Candidate 2
Vista - Beta 2 (5384.4) Beta 2 (installed by O/S) Beta 2 (5383.1.1) Beta 2 Beta 2.2
XP (SP2) or Win2K3 July CTP (4307) July CTP (5472.2.1) None (See July CTP Notes) Release Candidate 4
XP (SP2) or Win2K3 June CTP (4131.06) June CTP (5456.3) June CTP Release Candidate 2
XP (SP2) or Win2K3 Beta 2 Beta 2 (5383.1.1) Beta 2 Beta 2.2
July 2006 CTP
  • Windows Vista July CTP (5472.5) is only available for MSDN subscribers and beta members
  • The July CTP includes builds of the .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime Components and Windows SDK for use with Windows Vista July CTP (5472.5), Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server
  • There is no July CTP build of the “Orcas” Development Tools for the .NET Framework 3.0
  • The July CTP builds of .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime Components and Windows SDK are not supported for .NET 3.0 development on Windows Vista Beta 2 or Windows Vista June CTP

*1:相変わらずこういう情報が blog に散らばりまくっているなぁ.楽しいけど長期的にはまずい気がする