Volta と LINQ to XML は相性最高 → と思ったけど無理っぽい

(追記)コンパイルは通るけど JavaScript 版ではダメっぽい.要調査.
(追記2)結局 JavaScript モードで動かすときにとりあえず色々大変そうということで,ちょっと保留.

VSUG DAY 2007 Winter の小野さんのセッションで LINQ to XML が楽しそうだったので初挑戦.
Volta と LINQ to XML は最高に相性がいいですな.

using System;
using Microsoft.LiveLabs.Volta.Html;
using Microsoft.LiveLabs.Volta.Xml;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

// needs System.XML.dll
// needs System.Xml.Linq.dll

namespace VoltaApplication1
    public partial class VoltaPage1 : Page
        public VoltaPage1()

            var button = new Button() { InnerText = "Read!" };
            var input = new Input() { Value = @"http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/forecastmap.xml" };

            var para = new Paragraph()
                new Span(){ InnerText = " from: "},

            button.Click += () =>
                var url = input.Value;

                var table = new Table()
                    new TableBody
                        from areaelem in XElement.Load(url).Descendants(@"area")
                        from pref in areaelem.Descendants(@"pref")
                        let cities = pref.Descendants(@"city")
                                         .Select( item => item.Attribute("title").Value )
                        let citiesStr = string.Join( ", ", cities )
                        select new TableRow()
                            new TableCell() { InnerText = pref.Attribute("title").Value },
                            new TableCell() { InnerText = citiesStr }
                        } as HtmlElement

