Address Space Layout Randomization




(参照:10 questions for MacBook hacker Dino Dai Zovi


3つすべてのブラウザ(Safari、IE、Firefox)にバグがあるのは明らかです。コードを実行できるセキュリティホールがあちこちにあります。しかし、それは公式の片側の辺に過ぎません。もう一方の辺には、それを悪用するということがあります。Mac OS Xでは、そこにほとんど障害がありません。

何だかんだで ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) は役立ってるんだのぅ *1.ということは,もし仮にこのコンテストで使用される OS が Windows XP だったり *2Firefox が Visual C++ 6.0 や Visual C++ .NET 2003 でコンパイル (というかリンク) されていたりしだすと,だんだん話が違ってくるわけか.

Mac OS is fine, there's no need to worry like you.

「Mac の OS は平気。キミみたいに心配する必要はないんだ」

追記: Mac OS X の ASLR とか NX-bit


This is already present to an extent in today's Leopard Server, which runs some services, such as the Apache web server, as 64-bit processes. Using the vmmap command reveals that no memory allocated by these 64-bit apps is both writable and executable. On 32-bit Intel systems, while no memory is marked as both writable and executable, the legacy x86 processor design does not enforce the permissions bits, but 64-bit CPUs do. This feature prevents exploits from injecting malicious executable code into memory and tricking the app to run it as it if were its own instructions.

Another security weakness in the x86 architecture solved in the move to 64-bits is the use of registers for function call arguments. This makes exploits using return-into-libc techniques much more difficult. On 32-bit x86, function arguments are passed directly on the stack, so when an attacker has overwritten the stack segment, they can completely control the arguments passed to a function that they cause the compromised program to "return into," according to a security researcher.

The move to 64-bits also greatly enhances the Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) techniques used to secure Leopard. Currently, 32-bit binaries are restricted to a relatively small 4GB allocation, making it easier to predict useful addresses for malicious code to target. Additionally, Leopard keeps dyld, Mac OS X's dynamic loader (responsible for loading all of the frameworks, dylibs, and bundles needed by a process) in the same known location, making it relatively trivial to bypass the existing ASLR.

With the much larger address space available to 64-bit binaries, Snow Leopard's ASLR will make it possible to hide the location of loaded code like a needle in a haystack, thwarting the efforts of malicious attackers to maintain predictable targets for controlling the code and data loaded into memory. Without knowing what addresses to target, the "vast majority of these exploits will fail," the security expert explained.


107 名前: 名刺は切らしておりまして [sage] 投稿日: 2009/03/24(火) 14:08:03 ID:iCro0TNF
WikipediaにはMac OS XはNXビットをサポートしてると書いてある
108 名前: 名刺は切らしておりまして [sage] 投稿日: 2009/03/24(火) 14:12:34 ID:iCro0TNF
Mac OS Xのセキュリティを他のOSと比較しているので非常に参考になる
109 名前: 名刺は切らしておりまして [sage] 投稿日: 2009/03/24(火) 14:36:53 ID:iCro0TNF
 Mac OS Xはスタックのみ実行不可でヒープに書き込んだプログラムは実行可能
 Mac OS Xはライブラリのみをインストール/アップデート時にランダム化するだけ

 Mac OS Xと同様にインストール/アップデート時のみになる(手動で更新も可能)


*1:相対的に何もやっていない OS を目立たさせるという意味でも

*2:XP SP2 でも NX-bit は期待できるけど